[UpdateDb] select fnc_update_seikyusyo(&1, '{ "title":"&7" , "title_custom":"&9" , "two_line_mode":"&5" , "hext_flg":"&8" , "no_kurikoshi":"&2" , "no_grouping":"&4" }') [selectRecords] select w.* , w.title as tait , w.uri_tn_dec as uritndec from fnc_query_seikyusyo(&1, '{"sort_mode":"&6"}') w [SelectRecords_Furi] select han_name || ' ' || furikikan1 || ' ' || furikikan2 || ' ' || furikikan3 as furikikan from( select h09.mst_kbn, h09.han_cd, h09.han_name, h09.koumoku1 as furikikan1, h09.koumoku2 as furikikan2, h09.koumoku3 as furikikan3, h09.koumoku4, h09.koumoku5, coalesce(h09.koumoku6,''), h09.koumoku7, h09.koumoku8, h09.koumoku9, h09.koumoku10, h09.sort_key from m_hanyo h09 left join m_tokui mt on (mt.tok_cd = '&2') left join m_hanyo h99a on (h99a.mst_kbn = '99' and h99a.han_cd = 'mtok-eig-f') where 1 = 1 and h09.mst_kbn = '09' and coalesce(h09.koumoku6,'') = '' and ((coalesce(h99a.han_name,'') != '1') or (h09.koumoku12 = mt.eig_cd)) ) w order by han_cd [SelectSyaban] select koumoku2 as image_cd , koumoku3 as img_row , koumoku4 as img_col from m_hanyo where 1 = 1 and mst_kbn = '99' and han_cd = 'syab-r0033' and han_name = '1' [SelectLogo] select koumoku2 as image_cd , koumoku3 as img_row , koumoku4 as img_col from m_hanyo where 1 = 1 and mst_kbn = '99' and han_cd = 'logo-r0033' and han_name = '1' [SelectImage] select file_image from m_image where image_cd = '&1' [SelectImageList] select image_cd, file_image from m_image where image_cd like '&1%' order by image_cd [UpdateWork] insert into w_basr0030 ( s_id, seikyu_ymd, tok_cd, del_flg, cre_id, cre_time, upd_id, upd_time ) select w1.s_id, w1.seikyu_ymd, w1.group_cd, 0, 'BASR0033', now(), 'BASR0033', now() from ( select distinct w.s_id, w.seikyu_ymd, mt.group_cd from w_basr0030 w inner join m_tokui mt on (mt.tok_cd = w.tok_cd) where w.s_id = &1 and mt.group_cd != '' and not exists (select 1 from w_basr0030 w2 where w2.s_id = w.s_id and w2.seikyu_ymd = w.seikyu_ymd and w2.tok_cd = mt.group_cd) ) w1 [SelectMeisaiType] select * from fnc_query_basr0037_meisai('{ "disc_per_mode":"&1" , "zei_multi_mode":"&2" , "uri_tn_dec":"&3" , "two_line_mode":"&4" , "no_denkbn_mode":"&5" }')