[autoLogin] SELECT tan_nm, auth_kbn FROM m_tanto WHERE tan_cd = ':p_tan_cd' AND del_flg = 0 [loadKinoList] select kino_id from m_kengen where auth_kbn = ':w_auth_kbn' and riyo_kbn = '1' [saveLogin] delete from t_local_storage where term_id = ':w_login_term' and store_key = 'login' ; insert into t_local_storage ( term_id, store_key, koumoku1 , del_flg, cre_id, cre_time, upd_id, upd_time ) values ( ':w_login_term', 'login', ':w_login_id' , 0, ':w_login_id', now(), ':w_login_id', now() ); [loadLogin] select koumoku1 as w_login_id from t_local_storage where term_id = ':w_login_term' and store_key = 'login' [loadExtInfo] select mt.bu_cd as w_bu_cd, h55.koumoku1 as w_eig_cd from m_tanto mt left join m_hanyo h55 on (h55.mst_kbn = '55' and h55.han_cd = mt.bu_cd) where mt.tan_cd = ':w_login_id'