[load_grdList] select m1.kino_id , m1.kino_nm , (case when(m2.kino_id is not null)then(1)else(0) end) as checkbox from v_kino m1 left join m_kengen m2 on (m2.auth_kbn = ':auth_kbn' and m2.kino_id = m1.kino_id) order by m1.sort_key, m1.kino_id [existKengen] select m1.kino_id , m1.kino_nm , (case when(m2.kino_id is not null)then(1)else(0) end) as checkbox from v_kino m1 left join m_kengen m2 on (m2.auth_kbn = '98' and m2.kino_id = m1.kino_id) ; [updateBeforeChecked] delete from m_kengen where auth_kbn = ':auth_kbn' [updateRecord] insert into m_kengen ( auth_kbn, kino_id, riyo_kbn, del_flg, cre_id, cre_time, upd_id, upd_time ) values ( ':auth_kbn', ':kino_id', '1', 0, ':login_id', now(), ':login_id', now() )