[load_grdList] select 1 as checkbox, m.den_no, m.row_no, m.row_no as _row_no, m.hin_cd, m.hin_nm, m.suryo, m.tanka, m.kingaku, m.zaiko_flg, m.genka_gaku, m.hosoku1, m.hosoku2, m.iko_key, m.del_flg, m.cre_id, m.cre_time, m.upd_id, m.upd_time, m.jucyu_no, m.jucyu_row_no, m.jucyu_su, m.uri_su, m.tok_hacyu_no, m.nonyu_ymd, m.syuko_flg, m.getsu_ymd, m.size_l, m.size_w, m.size_h, m.htanka, m.disc_per, m.meisai_biko, m.nuki_tanka, m.kazei_tanka, m.uchi_tanka, m.kazei_gaku, m.zeinuki_gaku, m.uchi_gaku, m.zei_kbn, m.tani_suryo, m.bante, m.kei_suryo, m.kei_jucyu_su, m.konpo_keijyo, m.konpo_size_l, m.konpo_size_w, m.konpo_size_h, m.konpo_suryo, m.konpo_biko, t.mitsumori_no, m.price_rate, m.orow_no, m.tani, m.row_order, m.cat_cd, m.hin_sts, m.brand_cd from t_uri_m m inner join t_uri t on t.den_no = m.den_no --where t.mitsumori_no = ':mitsumori_no' where t.den_no = :den_no and t.del_flg != 1 and m.orow_no is null and m.hin_cd != '99' order by m.row_no ; [del_Work] delete from w_report where s_id = :s_id ; [ins_Work] insert into w_report (s_id, den_no, row_no) values(:s_id, :den_no, :row_no) ;