[load_grdList] SELECT uri.den_no , uri.syori_ymd --#23721 2022.05.25 MOD STT , uri.input_ymd --#23721 2022.05.25 MOD END , (case when(uri.henpin_flg = 1)then('返品')else('')end) as henpin_flg , uri.prc_sts , h1.han_name as prc_sts_nm --#17427 2020.12.26 MOD STT --, (case when(jucyu.gokei_uri_su = '0')then('未納') -- when(jucyu.gokei_jucyu_su > jucyu.gokei_uri_su)then('分納') -- when(jucyu.gokei_jucyu_su = jucyu.gokei_uri_su)then('完納') -- else('受注無')end) as jucyu_state , ( select (case when(jucyu.gokei_uri_su = 0)then('未納') when(jucyu.gokei_jucyu_su > jucyu.gokei_uri_su)then('分納') when(jucyu.gokei_jucyu_su = jucyu.gokei_uri_su)then('完納') else('受注無')end) from ( select count(*) as jucyu_cnt, sum(jm.jucyu_su) as gokei_jucyu_su, sum(jm.uri_su) as gokei_uri_su from t_uri_m jm where jm.den_no = uri.jucyu_no ) jucyu ) as jucyu_state --#17427 2020.12.26 MOD END --, jucyu.gokei_jucyu_su --, jucyu.gokei_uri_su , uri.tok_cd , uri.tok_nm , uri.nonyu_nm --#24959 2022.07.23 MOD STT --, uri.zeinuki_gaku --, uri.zeikomi_gaku , (case when(uri.gaika_rate > 0)then(uri.dtl_jpn)else(uri.zeinuki_gaku)end) as zeinuki_gaku , (case when(uri.gaika_rate > 0)then(uri.dtl_jpn)else(uri.zeikomi_gaku)end) as zeikomi_gaku --#24959 2022.07.23 MOD END , ( select sum(tsm.kousu) from t_seizou sh inner join t_seizou_m tsm on (tsm.shiji_no = sh.shiji_no) where sh.jucyu_no = uri.den_no ) as kousu , uri.payment_term , uri.biko1 , uri.biko1 as biko1_ex , uri.biko2 , uri.seikyu_flg , uri.keshi_flg , (case when(uri.syukka_flg = 1)then('出荷')else('')end) as syukka_flg , (case when(uri.seikyu_flg = 1)then(to_char(to_date(uri.seikyu_ymd,'yyyymmdd'),'mm/dd'))else(null)end) as seikyu_md , (case when(uri.keshi_flg = 1)then(to_char(to_date(uri.keshi_ymd,'yyyymmdd'),'mm/dd'))else(null)end) as nyukin_md , tk.furikikan , h2.koumoku5 as furikikan_s , um.hin_nm , si.den_no as hacyu_no , coalesce(uri.sir_nm, si.sir_nm) as sir_nm --sir , case mt.tan_rnm when '' then mt.tan_nm else mt.tan_rnm end as ttan , h3.han_name as cat_nm , h4.han_name as pay_name ,uri.kanri_no ,uri.tok_hacyu_no ,uri.group_no ,uri.jucyu_no , case coalesce(mt2.tan_rnm,'') when '' then mt2.tan_nm else mt2.tan_rnm end as haiso_tan --#17427 2020.12.26 MOD STT ,(select sum(um2.suryo) from t_uri_m um2 where 1 = 1 -- and jucyu_no = uri.jucyu_no and um2.den_no = uri.den_no ) as suryo --#17427 2020.12.26 MOD END ,coalesce(tk.tori_kbn,'0') as tori_kbn ,uri.haiso_kanri_cd,uri.haiso_info1,uri.haiso_info2,uri.chimei1_nm,uri.chimei2_nm , uri.den_kbn , h54.han_name as den_kbn_nm --#21520 2021.11.03 MOD STT , fnc_get_jucyu_no_list_uri(uri.den_no) as jucyu_no_view --#21520 2021.11.03 MOD END , uri.kobetsu_kbn , h0d.han_name as kobetsu_kbn_nm --#22450 2022.01.08 MOD STTs , (select COALESCE(sum(um2.rebate_gaku),0) from t_uri_m um2 where um2.den_no = uri.den_no and COALESCE(um2.zei_rate,0) != COALESCE(uri.zei_rate2,-1)) as rebate_gaku1 , (select COALESCE(sum(um2.rebate_gaku),0) from t_uri_m um2 where um2.den_no = uri.den_no and um2.zei_rate = uri.zei_rate2) as rebate_gaku2 --#22450 2022.01.08 MOD END , uri.gaika_cd , h0c.koumoku1 as gaika_nm , uri.gaika_rate , (case when(uri.gaika_rate > 0)then(uri.zeikomi_gaku)else(null)end) as gaika_gaku FROM t_uri uri left join m_tokui tk on (uri.tok_cd = tk.tok_cd) left join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '01' and h1.han_cd = uri.prc_sts) left join t_uri_m um on (um.den_no = uri.den_no and um.row_no = 0) left join t_sir_m sm on (sm.jucyu_no = um.jucyu_no and um.jucyu_row_no = sm.jucyu_row_no and sm.hacyu_no < 0) left join t_sir si on sm.den_no = si.den_no and si.hacyu_flg = 1 left join m_tanto mt on (uri.tan_cd = mt.tan_cd) left join m_tanto mt2 on (uri.haiso_tan_cd = mt2.tan_cd) left join m_hanyo h3 on (h3.mst_kbn = '35' and h3.han_cd = tk.cat_cd) --#17427 2020.12.26 MOD STT --left join --(select den_no -- , sum(uri_su) as gokei_uri_su -- , sum(jucyu_su) as gokei_jucyu_su -- from t_uri_m -- group by den_no) as jucyu --on (uri.jucyu_no = jucyu.den_no) --#17427 2020.12.26 MOD END left join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '09' and h2.han_cd = tk.furikikan) left join m_hanyo h4 on (h4.mst_kbn = '76' and h4.han_cd = uri.pay_kbn) left join m_hanyo h54 on (h54.mst_kbn = '54' and h54.han_cd = uri.den_kbn) left join m_hanyo h0c on (h0c.mst_kbn = '0C' and h0c.han_cd = uri.gaika_cd) left join m_hanyo h0d on (h0d.mst_kbn = '0D' and h0d.han_cd = uri.kobetsu_kbn) WHERE 1 = 1 and uri.del_flg = 0 and uri.jucyu_flg = 0 and coalesce(uri.mitsumori_flg,0) = 0 and uri.syori_ymd != '' and ((uri.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_fr') or (uri.syori_ymd >= ':syori_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_to') or (uri.syori_ymd <= ':syori_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':prc_sts') or (uri.prc_sts = ':prc_sts')) and (('' = ':tok_cd') or (uri.tok_cd = ':tok_cd')) AND ((fnc_translate_case(tk.tok_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':tok_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(tk.tok_kana) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':tok_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(uri.tok_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':tok_nm')||'%') or (':tok_nm' = '')) and ((uri.biko1 like '%:biko1%' or uri.biko2 like '%:biko1%') or ('' = ':biko1')) and (('' = ':tori_kbn') or (tk.tok_cd is not null and tk.tori_kbn = ':tori_kbn')) and ((':nk_cond' != '0') or (uri.keshi_flg = 0)) and ((':nk_cond' != '1') or (uri.keshi_flg = 1)) and (('' = ':eigyou_tan_cd') or (uri.eigyou_tan_cd = ':eigyou_tan_cd')) and (('' = ':tan_cd') or (tk.tan_cd = ':tan_cd')) and (('' = ':tok_tan') or (uri.tan_cd = ':tok_tan')) and (('' = ':nonyu_no') or (uri.nonyu_no = fnc_to_number(':nonyu_no'))) AND ((fnc_translate_case(uri.nonyu_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':nonyu_nm')||'%') or (':nonyu_nm' = '')) and (('' = ':pay_kbn') or (uri.pay_kbn = ':pay_kbn')) and ((uri.kanri_no like '%:kanri_no%') or ('' = ':kanri_no')) and ((uri.tok_hacyu_no like '%:tok_hacyu_no%') or ('' = ':tok_hacyu_no')) and ((uri.group_no = fnc_to_number(':group_no')) or ('' = ':group_no')) and (('' = ':haiso_tan_cd') or (uri.haiso_tan_cd = ':haiso_tan_cd')) and (('' = ':eig_cd') or (uri.eig_cd = ':eig_cd')) and (('' = ':den_kbn') or (uri.den_kbn = ':den_kbn')) and (('' = ':tok_cat_cd') or (tk.cat_cd = ':tok_cat_cd')) and (('' = ':kobetsu_kbn') or (uri.kobetsu_kbn = ':kobetsu_kbn')) :where_kingaku --and (('' = ':kingaku_fr') or (uri.zeikomi_gaku >= fnc_to_number(':kingaku_fr'))) --and (('' = ':kingaku_to') or (uri.zeikomi_gaku <= fnc_to_number(':kingaku_to'))) --#23721 2022.05.25 MOD STT and (('' = ':input_ymd_fr') or (uri.input_ymd >= ':input_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':input_ymd_to') or (uri.input_ymd <= ':input_ymd_to')) --#23721 2022.05.25 MOD END order by uri.syori_ymd desc, uri.den_no desc --#18003 2021.06.07 MOD STT limit 10000 --#18003 2021.06.07 MOD END [getNyukin] select k.nyukin_no as w_nyukin_no from t_uri uh left join t_nyu_keshi k on (k.keshi_kind = 1 and k.uri_no = uh.den_no) where uh.den_no = :w_upd_key_value and uh.zeikomi_gaku = (select sum(nk.nyukin_gaku) from t_nyu_keshi nk where nk.keshi_kind = 1 and nk.uri_no = uh.den_no) order by k.nyukin_no desc [getNyukin_OLD] select nyukin_no as w_nyukin_no from t_nyu_keshi where uri_no = :w_upd_key_value and keshi_kind = 1 [doSeikyu] update t_uri set seikyu_flg = 1 , seikyu_ymd = to_char(now(),'yyyymmdd') , upd_id = ':login_id' , upd_time = now() where den_no = :w_upd_key_value and seikyu_flg = 0 [doNyukin] update t_uri set keshi_flg = 1 , keshi_ymd = to_char(now(),'yyyymmdd') , upd_id = ':login_id' , upd_time = now() where den_no = :w_upd_key_value and keshi_flg = 0 [delete_w0110] delete from w_basr0110 where s_id = :s_id ; [chk_counter] SELECT :s_id ,uri.den_no FROM t_uri uri left join m_tokui tk on (uri.tok_cd = tk.tok_cd) left join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '01' and h1.han_cd = uri.prc_sts) left join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '09' and h2.han_cd = tk.furikikan) WHERE 1 = 1 and uri.jucyu_flg = 0 and coalesce(uri.mitsumori_flg,0) = 0 and uri.syori_ymd != '' and ((uri.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_fr') or (uri.syori_ymd >= ':syori_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_to') or (uri.syori_ymd <= ':syori_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':prc_sts') or (uri.prc_sts = ':prc_sts')) and (('' = ':tok_cd') or (uri.tok_cd = ':tok_cd')) and ((tk.tok_nm like '%:tok_nm%') or ('' = ':tok_nm')) and ((uri.biko1 like '%:biko1%' or uri.biko2 like '%:biko1%') or ('' = ':biko1')) and (('' = ':tori_kbn') or (tk.tok_cd is not null and tk.tori_kbn = ':tori_kbn')) and ((':nk_cond' != '0') or (uri.keshi_flg = 0)) and ((':nk_cond' != '1') or (uri.keshi_flg = 1)) and (('' = ':tan_cd') or (tk.tan_cd = ':tan_cd')) ; [insert_w0110] insert into w_basr0110 (s_id, den_no) SELECT :s_id ,uri.den_no FROM t_uri uri left join m_tokui tk on (uri.tok_cd = tk.tok_cd) left join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '01' and h1.han_cd = uri.prc_sts) left join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '09' and h2.han_cd = tk.furikikan) WHERE 1 = 1 and uri.jucyu_flg = 0 and coalesce(uri.mitsumori_flg,0) = 0 and uri.syori_ymd != '' and ((uri.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_fr') or (uri.syori_ymd >= ':syori_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_to') or (uri.syori_ymd <= ':syori_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':prc_sts') or (uri.prc_sts = ':prc_sts')) and (('' = ':tok_cd') or (uri.tok_cd = ':tok_cd')) and ((tk.tok_nm like '%:tok_nm%') or ('' = ':tok_nm')) and ((uri.biko1 like '%:biko1%' or uri.biko2 like '%:biko1%') or ('' = ':biko1')) and (('' = ':tori_kbn') or (tk.tok_cd is not null and tk.tori_kbn = ':tori_kbn')) and ((':nk_cond' != '0') or (uri.keshi_flg = 0)) and ((':nk_cond' != '1') or (uri.keshi_flg = 1)) and (('' = ':tan_cd') or (tk.tan_cd = ':tan_cd')) ; [output_deliv_csv] SELECT uri.den_no , uri.syori_ymd , uri.prc_sts , h1.han_name as prc_sts_nm , uri.tok_cd --住所録コード(佐川)、お届け先コード(ヤマト) , uri.nonyu_nm as tok_nm --納入名 -- , uri.tok_nm , uri.payment_term , uri.biko1 , uri.biko1 as biko1_ex , uri.biko2 , uri.seikyu_flg , uri.keshi_flg , um.hin_nm , uri.nonyu_addr1||uri.nonyu_addr2 as addr1 --, uri.nonyu_addr2 as addr2 , uri.nonyu_addr3 as addr2 , uri.nonyu_addr4 as addr3 , uri.nonyu_tel_no as tel_no --お届け先電話番号(共通) , uri.nonyu_zip_no as zip_no --お届け先郵便番号(共通) , (uv_to_hankaku_kana(tk.tok_kana)) as tok_kana --お届け先カナ(共通) , tk.tok_tan --得意先担当者(名称2などがある場合) , (case when(tk.cat_cd = '2')then('様') when(tk.cat_cd = '1')then('御中') else(null)end) as keisyou --敬称(共通) ,'075-724-3550' as a_tel --御依頼主電話番号(共通) ,'1' as count --個数口表示(共通) ,'手芸用品' as hinmei --品名(共通でいけるか?) ,null as hinmei2 --品名2(共通でいけるか?) ,null as hinmei3 --品名3(共通でいけるか?) ,null as hinmei4 --品名4(共通でいけるか?) ,null as hinmei5 --品名5(共通でいけるか?) ,null as todokeymd --お届け予定日・配達日(共通) ,null as haitatudt --配達時間帯(共通) ,null as daipay --代引き(共通) ,null as daitax --代引き消費税(共通) ,null as e_code --営業所コード(共通) ,null as s_kban --お客様管理ナンバー(佐川) ,'143368340007' as s_acode --アヴリルのコード(佐川) ,null as s_busho --部署・担当(佐川) ,null as s_teln --御依頼主電話番号(佐川) ,null as s_zipn --御依頼主郵便番号(佐川) ,null as s_add1n --御依頼主住所1(佐川) ,null as s_add2n --御依頼主住所2(佐川) ,null as s_avril1n --御依頼主名1(佐川) ,null as s_avril2n --御依頼主名2(佐川) ,'008' as s_nisu --荷姿(佐川) ,'000' as s_bin_s --便種スピード(佐川) ,'001' as s_bin --便種(佐川) ,null as s_hzikan --配達時間時分(佐川) ,null as s_paytype --決済種別(佐川) ,null as s_hokenm --保険金額(佐川) ,'0' as s_hoken --保険金額印字(佐川) ,null as s_seal1 --シール1(佐川) ,null as s_seal2 --シール2(佐川) ,null as s_seal3 --シール3(佐川) ,null as s_stop --営業所止め置き(佐川) ,null as s_src --src区分(佐川) ,'1' as s_moto --元着区分(佐川) ,null as y_kanri --お客様管理番号(ヤマト) ,'2' as y_syubet --送り状種別(ヤマト) ,null as y_cool --クール区分(ヤマト) ,null as y_denno --伝票番号(ヤマト) ,to_char(current_timestamp , 'yyyy/mm/dd') as y_syukaymd --出荷予定日(ヤマト)当日にする ,to_char(current_timestamp + '1 days', 'yyyy/mm/dd') as y_otodokeymd --お届け予定日(ヤマト)翌日にする ,uri.nonyu_addr1||(case when(uri.nonyu_addr2 != '')then(uri.nonyu_addr2)else('')end)||(case when(uri.nonyu_addr3 != '')then(uri.nonyu_addr3)else('')end) as y_addr1 --ヤマトアドレス ,null as y_busho1 --お届け先会社・部門名1 ,null as y_busho2 --お届け先会社・部門名2 ,'0' as y_iraicode --御依頼主コード(ヤマト) ,null as y_ateleda --御依頼主電話番号枝番(ヤマト) ,'6068185' as y_azip --御依頼主郵便番号(ヤマト) ,'京都府京都市左京区一乗寺高槻町20-1' as y_a_add --御依頼主住所(ヤマト) ,null as y_a_add1 --御依頼主住所アパートなど(ヤマト) ,'株式会社アヴリル' as y_avril --御依頼主名(ヤマト) ,null as akana --御依頼主カナ(ヤマト) ,null as y_hincd --品名コード(ヤマト) ,null as y_hincd2 --品名コード2(ヤマト) ,'水濡厳禁' as y_niatu1 --荷扱い1(ヤマト) ,'下積厳禁' as y_niatu2 --荷扱い2(ヤマト) ,null as y_paytype --決済種別(ヤマト) ,null as y_kizi --記事(ヤマト) ,'0' as y_stop --営業所止め置き(ヤマト) ,null as y_outp --発行枚数(ヤマト) ,uri.zeikomi_gaku as y_daipay --代引き(共通) ,uri.zei_gaku as y_daitax --代引き消費税(共通) ,'0758031520' as y_acode --アヴリルのコード(ヤマト) ,'' as y_acodeNOT --アブリルの請求先コードに必要な空白(ヤマト) ,'01' as y_acode1 --アブリルの請求先コードに必要な情報(ヤマト) ,null as j_acode --アヴリルのコード(郵政) FROM t_uri uri left join m_tokui tk on (uri.tok_cd = tk.tok_cd) left join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '01' and h1.han_cd = uri.prc_sts) left join t_uri_m um on (um.den_no = uri.den_no and um.row_no = 0) WHERE 1 = 1 and uri.del_flg = 0 and uri.jucyu_flg = 0 and coalesce(uri.mitsumori_flg,0) = 0 and uri.syori_ymd != '' and ((uri.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_fr') or (uri.syori_ymd >= ':syori_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_to') or (uri.syori_ymd <= ':syori_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':prc_sts') or (uri.prc_sts = ':prc_sts')) and (('' = ':tok_cd') or (uri.tok_cd = ':tok_cd')) and ((tk.tok_nm like '%:tok_nm%') or ('' = ':tok_nm')) and ((uri.biko1 like '%:biko1%' or uri.biko2 like '%:biko1%') or ('' = ':biko1')) and (('' = ':tori_kbn') or (tk.tok_cd is not null and tk.tori_kbn = ':tori_kbn')) and ((':nk_cond' != '0') or (uri.keshi_flg = 0)) and ((':nk_cond' != '1') or (uri.keshi_flg = 1)) and (('' = ':tan_cd') or (tk.tan_cd = ':tan_cd')) order by uri.syori_ymd desc, uri.den_no desc [insertNyukin] select fnc_update_basv0410_nyukin(:s_id, :w_den_no, ':w_nyukin_ymd', ':w_nyukin_kbn', ':login_id') [insertNyukinTesuryo] select fnc_update_basv0410_nyukin_tesuryo(:s_id, :w_tesuryo, :w_cyosei_gaku, ':w_nyukin_ymd', ':w_nyukin_kbn', ':w_syori_ymd', ':w_pay_kbn_nm', ':login_id') --TODO 1450独自仕様 hincd8桁 [update_hincd_8digit] update w_uri_import set hin_cd = lpad(hin_cd,8,'0') where s_id =:s_id and hin_cd != '' ; [beginImport] delete from w_uri_import where s_id = :s_id [commitImport] select fnc_insert_uri_import(:s_id) [insertImportWork] insert into w_uri_import ( s_id , row_no :import_reg_fields , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) values ( :s_id , :import_row_no , :import_value_0 , :import_value_1 , :import_value_2 , :import_value_3 , :import_value_4 , :import_value_5 , :import_value_6 , :import_value_7 , :import_value_8 , :import_value_9 , :import_value_10 , :import_value_11 , :import_value_12 , :import_value_13 , 0 , ':login_id' , now() , ':login_id' , now() ) [Del_uriage] select fnc_delete_basv0210(:den_no, ':login_id'); select fnc_return_seizou(:den_no, ':login_id'); [getZeiRateMulti] select han_cd as zei_rate_cd , han_name as zei_rate , koumoku4 as zei_rate2 from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '93' and to_char(now(),'YYYYMMDD') between koumoku1 and koumoku2 order by zei_rate_cd desc limit 1