[loadOriginal] --select fnc_load_basv1015(:s_id, :den_no) [updateOriginal] select fnc_update_basv1015() [load_grdList_nm] select mst_kbn, right(han_cd,3) as han_cd, han_name, koumoku1, koumoku2 ,han_cd as hin_cd --from w_hin_nm from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '05' and koumoku1 = ':cat_cd' and ((upper(han_name) like upper('%:hin_nm%')) or ('' = ':hin_nm')) order by han_cd ; [load_grdList_maker] select mst_kbn, right(han_cd,3) as han_cd, han_name, koumoku1, koumoku2, koumoku8 ,han_cd as hin_cd --from w_maker from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '06' and koumoku1 = ':cat_cd:hin_sts' and ((upper(han_name) like upper('%:maker_nm%')) or ('' = ':maker_nm')) order by han_cd ; [load_grdList] select right(hn.hin_cd,3) as hin_cd , hn.hin_nm , hn.hin_sts , hn.cat_cd , hn.brand_cd , han1.han_name as tani_nm , hn.del_flg , hn.cre_time , hn.upd_time , hn.stop_flg , hn.stanka , hn.biko1 , hn.biko2 , hn.tani , hn.inner_flg , hn.non_stock_flg , han_cd as han_cd from m_hin hn left join m_hanyo han1 on (hn.tani = han1.han_cd and han1.mst_kbn = '44') where 1 = 1 --and ((hn.hin_cd like '%:hin_cd%') or ('' = ':hin_cd')) --and ((hn.hin_nm like '%:hin_nm%') or ('' = ':hin_nm')) and (('' = ':cat_cd') or (hn.cat_cd = ':cat_cd')) and (('' = ':cat_cd:hin_sts') or (hn.hin_sts = ':cat_cd:hin_sts')) and (('' = ':cat_cd:hin_sts:brand_cd') or (hn.brand_cd = ':cat_cd:hin_sts:brand_cd')) --and ((substr(hn.hin_cd,4,3) = ':hin_sts') or ('' = ':hin_sts')) or (hn.hin_sts = ':hin_sts') --and (('' = case when hn.hin_sts = '' then '' else ':cat_cd' ||':hin_sts' end ) or (hn.hin_sts = case when hn.hin_sts = '' then '' else ':cat_cd' ||':hin_sts'end )) --and (('' = ':brand_cd') or (brand_cd = ':brand_cd')) order by hn.hin_cd [getNextName] --select koumoku1 || lpad((coalesce(max(koumoku2)::numeric,0) + 1)::text, 3, '0') as new_id select lpad((coalesce(max(koumoku1)::numeric,0) + 1)::text, 3, '0') as new_id from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '05' and koumoku1 = ':cat_cd' --group by mst_kbn,koumoku1 ; [getNextMaker] select lpad((coalesce(max(koumoku2)::numeric,0) + 1)::text, 3, '0') as new_id from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '06' and koumoku1 = ':hin_sts' --group by mst_kbn,koumoku2 ; [getNextHin] --select lpad((coalesce(max(hin_cd)::numeric,0) + 1)::text, 12, '0') as new_id select ':brand_cd' || right(lpad((coalesce(max(hin_cd)::numeric,0) + 1)::text, 12, '0'),3) as new_id from m_hin where brand_cd = ':brand_cd' ; [chk_grdList_nm] select han_cd, han_name, koumoku1, koumoku2 from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '05' and koumoku1 = ':cat_cd' and koumoku2 = ':now_value' ; [chk_grdList_maker] select mst_kbn, han_cd, han_name, koumoku1, koumoku2, koumoku8 --from w_maker from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '06' and koumoku1 = ':hin_sts' and koumoku2 = ':now_value' ; [chk_grdList] select hn.hin_cd , hn.hin_nm , hn.hin_sts , hn.cat_cd , hn.brand_cd , han1.han_name as tani_nm , hn.del_flg , hn.cre_time , hn.upd_time , hn.stop_flg , hn.stanka , hn.biko1 , hn.biko2 , hn.tani , hn.inner_flg , hn.non_stock_flg from m_hin hn left join m_hanyo han1 on (hn.tani = han1.han_cd and han1.mst_kbn = '44') where 1 = 1 and (hn.cat_cd = ':cat_cd') and (hn.hin_sts = ':hin_sts') and (hn.brand_cd = ':brand_cd') and (right(hn.hin_cd, 3) = ':now_value') [load_grdList_nm_log] select mst_kbn, han_cd, han_name, koumoku1, koumoku2 --from w_hin_nm from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '05' and koumoku1 = ':cat_cd' and ((upper(han_name) like upper('%:hin_nm%')) or ('' = ':hin_nm')) order by han_cd ; [load_grdList_maker_log] select mst_kbn, han_cd, han_name, koumoku1, koumoku2, koumoku8 --from w_maker from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '06' and koumoku1 = ':hin_sts' and ((upper(han_name) like upper('%:maker_nm%')) or ('' = ':maker_nm')) order by han_cd ; [load_grdList_log] select hn.hin_cd , hn.hin_nm , hn.hin_sts , hn.cat_cd , hn.brand_cd , han1.han_name as tani_nm , hn.del_flg , hn.cre_time , hn.upd_time , hn.stop_flg , hn.stanka , hn.biko1 , hn.biko2 , hn.tani , hn.inner_flg , hn.non_stock_flg from m_hin hn left join m_hanyo han1 on (hn.tani = han1.han_cd and han1.mst_kbn = '44') where 1 = 1 --and ((hn.hin_cd like '%:hin_cd%') or ('' = ':hin_cd')) --and ((hn.hin_nm like '%:hin_nm%') or ('' = ':hin_nm')) and (('' = ':cat_cd') or (hn.cat_cd = ':cat_cd')) and (('' = ':hin_sts') or (hn.hin_sts = ':hin_sts')) and (('' = ':brand_cd') or (hn.brand_cd = ':brand_cd')) --and ((substr(hn.hin_cd,4,3) = ':hin_sts') or ('' = ':hin_sts')) or (hn.hin_sts = ':hin_sts') --and (('' = case when hn.hin_sts = '' then '' else ':cat_cd' ||':hin_sts' end ) or (hn.hin_sts = case when hn.hin_sts = '' then '' else ':cat_cd' ||':hin_sts'end )) --and (('' = ':brand_cd') or (brand_cd = ':brand_cd')) order by hn.hin_cd