[deleteTotalWork] delete from w_basr3040_total where s_id = :s_id [insertTotalWork] insert into w_basr3040_total ( s_id , rec_type , group_cd , koutei_cd , anken_su , yplan_kouki , yotei_kouki , jisek_kouki , rate1 , rate2 , yplan_kouki_kei , yotei_kouki_kei , jisek_kouki_kei , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) values ( :s_id , :w_rec_type , ':w_group_cd' , ':w_koutei_cd' , :w_anken_su , :w_yplan_kouki , :w_yotei_kouki , :w_jisek_kouki , :w_rate1 , :w_rate2 , :w_yplan_kouki_kei , :w_yotei_kouki_kei , :w_jisek_kouki_kei , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time ) [getType1] select v.han_name as col_name , t.anken_cnt , t.kouki0 , t.kouki1 , t.kouki2 , t.rate1 , t.rate2 , v.koumoku2 as col_cd , w.yplan_kouki , w.yotei_kouki , w.jisek_kouki , w.yplan_kouki_kei , w.yotei_kouki_kei , w.jisek_kouki_kei from m_hanyo v left join ( select w2.group_cd , w2.anken_cnt , w2.kouki0 , w2.kouki1 , w2.kouki2 , 100 as rate1 , (case when(w2.kouki1 = 0)then(100)else(round(cast(w2.kouki2 * 100 as int) / cast(w2.kouki1 as int), 0))end) as rate2 from ( select w1.group_cd -- , count(*) as anken_cnt , sum(w1.anken_cnt) as anken_cnt -- , round(avg(w1.kouki0)) as kouki0 -- , round(avg(w1.kouki1)) as kouki1 -- , round(avg(w1.kouki2)) as kouki2 , round(sum(w1.kouki0) / sum(w1.anken_cnt)) as kouki0 , round(sum(w1.kouki1) / sum(w1.anken_cnt)) as kouki1 , round(sum(w1.kouki2) / sum(w1.anken_cnt)) as kouki2 from ( select m1.anken_cd , 1 as anken_cnt , h1.koumoku10 as group_cd -- , sum(m2.next_kikan_std) as kouki0 , sum(cast(h2.koumoku3 as int)) as kouki0 -- , sum(m2.next_kikan) as kouki1 , sum(EXTRACT(DAY FROM m1.yotei_stt_time - m2.yotei_stt_time)) as kouki1 , sum(EXTRACT(DAY FROM m1.stt_time - m2.stt_time)) as kouki2 from t_anken_m m1 inner join t_anken ah on (ah.anken_cd = m1.anken_cd and ah.sedai_cd = ':sedai_cd' and ah.status = 1) inner join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '71' and h1.han_cd = ':sedai_key'||'.'||m1.koutei_cd) inner join t_anken_m m2 on (m2.anken_cd = m1.anken_cd and m2.koutei_no = m1.koutei_no - 1) inner join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '71' and h2.han_cd = ':sedai_key'||'.'||m2.koutei_cd) left join m_hanyo h9 on (h9.mst_kbn = '58' and h9.han_cd = ah.anken_kbn) where 1 = 1 and COALESCE(ah.non_analyze_flg,0) = 0 --TODO --and ah.anken_cd='216053' and ah.jucyu_ymd != '' and COALESCE(ah.cancel_ymd,'') = '' --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD STT -- and COALESCE(h9.koumoku3,'') = '' and (('' = ':anken_kbn') or (ah.anken_kbn = ':anken_kbn')) --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD END and (('' = ':tan_cd') or (ah.anken_cd in (select anken_cd from t_anken_tan where tan_cd = ':tan_cd'))) and (('' = ':op_cd') or (ah.anken_cd in (select anken_cd from t_anken_op where op_cd = ':op_cd'))) group by m1.anken_cd , h1.koumoku10 ) w1 group by w1.group_cd ) w2 ) t on (t.group_cd = v.koumoku2) left join w_basr3040_total w on (w.s_id = :s_id and w.rec_type = 1 and w.group_cd = v.koumoku2) where v.mst_kbn = '63' and v.koumoku1 = ':sedai_key' order by han_cd [getType1Detail] select v.han_name as col_name , t.anken_cnt , t.kouki0 , t.kouki1 , t.kouki2 , t.rate1 , t.rate2 , v.han_cd as col_cd , w.yplan_kouki , w.yotei_kouki , w.jisek_kouki , w.yplan_kouki_kei , w.yotei_kouki_kei , w.jisek_kouki_kei from m_hanyo v left join ( select w2.group_cd , w2.anken_cnt , w2.kouki0 , w2.kouki1 , w2.kouki2 , 100 as rate1 -- , (case when(w2.kouki1 = 0)then(100)else(round(cast(w2.kouki2 * 100 as int) / w2.kouki1, 0))end) as rate2 , (case when(w2.kouki1 = 0)then(100)else(round(cast(w2.kouki2 * 100 as int) / cast(w2.kouki1 as int), 0))end) as rate2 from ( select w1.group_cd , count(*) as anken_cnt , round(avg(w1.kouki0)) as kouki0 , round(avg(w1.kouki1)) as kouki1 , round(avg(w1.kouki2)) as kouki2 from ( select m1.anken_cd , m1.koutei_cd as group_cd -- , sum(m2.next_kikan_std) as kouki0 , sum(cast(h2.koumoku3 as int)) as kouki0 -- , sum(m2.next_kikan) as kouki1 , sum(EXTRACT(DAY FROM m1.yotei_stt_time - m2.yotei_stt_time)) as kouki1 , sum(EXTRACT(DAY FROM m1.stt_time - m2.stt_time)) as kouki2 from t_anken_m m1 inner join t_anken ah on (ah.anken_cd = m1.anken_cd and ah.sedai_cd = ':sedai_cd' and ah.status = 1) inner join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '71' and h1.han_cd = ':sedai_key'||'.'||m1.koutei_cd) inner join t_anken_m m2 on (m2.anken_cd = m1.anken_cd and m2.koutei_no = m1.koutei_no - 1) inner join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '71' and h2.han_cd = ':sedai_key'||'.'||m2.koutei_cd) left join m_hanyo h9 on (h9.mst_kbn = '58' and h9.han_cd = ah.anken_kbn) where 1 = 1 and COALESCE(ah.non_analyze_flg,0) = 0 --TODO --and ah.anken_cd='216053' and ah.jucyu_ymd != '' and COALESCE(ah.cancel_ymd,'') = '' --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD STT -- and COALESCE(h9.koumoku3,'') = '' and (('' = ':anken_kbn') or (ah.anken_kbn = ':anken_kbn')) --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD END and (('' = ':daiku_tan_cd') or (ah.anken_cd in (select anken_cd from t_anken_tan where tan_cd = ':daiku_tan_cd'))) and (('' != ':daiku_tan_cd') or (h1.koumoku10 = ':col_cd')) --TODO -- and (('' = ':daiku_tan_cd') or (h1.koumoku10 in ('08','09','10'))) and (('' = ':daiku_tan_cd') or (h1.koumoku7 != '')) group by m1.anken_cd , m1.koutei_cd ) w1 group by w1.group_cd ) w2 ) t on (':sedai_key'||'.'||t.group_cd = v.han_cd) left join w_basr3040_total w on (w.s_id = :s_id and w.rec_type = 2 and w.koutei_cd = v.han_cd) where v.mst_kbn = '71' and v.han_cd like ':sedai_key%' and (('' != ':daiku_tan_cd') or (v.koumoku10 = ':col_cd')) --TODO --and (('' = ':daiku_tan_cd') or (v.koumoku10 in ('08','09','10'))) and (('' = ':daiku_tan_cd') or (v.koumoku7 != '')) order by han_cd [getType2TanList] select at.tan_cd , mt.tan_nm , count(*) as anken_cnt from t_anken ah inner join t_anken_tan at on (at.anken_cd = ah.anken_cd) inner join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '24' and h1.han_cd = at.tan_kind and COALESCE(h1.koumoku2,'') != '1') left join m_hanyo h9 on (h9.mst_kbn = '58' and h9.han_cd = ah.anken_kbn) left join m_tanto mt on (mt.tan_cd = at.tan_cd) where ah.sedai_cd = ':sedai_cd' and ah.status = 1 and COALESCE(ah.non_analyze_flg,0) = 0 and ah.jucyu_ymd != '' and COALESCE(ah.cancel_ymd,'') = '' --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD STT --and COALESCE(h9.koumoku3,'') = '' and (('' = ':anken_kbn') or (ah.anken_kbn = ':anken_kbn')) --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD END --TODO --and at.tan_cd = '210051' group by at.tan_cd , mt.tan_nm order by tan_cd [getType3TanList] select at.tan_cd , mt.tan_nm , count(*) as anken_cnt from t_anken ah inner join t_anken_tan at on (at.anken_cd = ah.anken_cd) inner join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '24' and h1.han_cd = at.tan_kind and COALESCE(h1.koumoku2,'') = '1') left join m_hanyo h9 on (h9.mst_kbn = '58' and h9.han_cd = ah.anken_kbn) left join m_tanto mt on (mt.tan_cd = at.tan_cd) where ah.sedai_cd = ':sedai_cd' and ah.status = 1 and COALESCE(ah.non_analyze_flg,0) = 0 and ah.jucyu_ymd != '' and COALESCE(ah.cancel_ymd,'') = '' --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD STT --and COALESCE(h9.koumoku3,'') = '' and (('' = ':anken_kbn') or (ah.anken_kbn = ':anken_kbn')) --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD END --TODO --and at.tan_cd = 'D01' group by at.tan_cd , mt.tan_nm order by tan_cd [getType4OptionList] select op.op_cd , h1.han_name as op_nm , count(*) as anken_cnt from t_anken ah inner join t_anken_op op on (op.anken_cd = ah.anken_cd) inner join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '22' and h1.han_cd = op.op_cd) left join m_hanyo h9 on (h9.mst_kbn = '58' and h9.han_cd = ah.anken_kbn) where ah.sedai_cd = ':sedai_cd' and ah.status = 1 and COALESCE(ah.non_analyze_flg,0) = 0 and ah.jucyu_ymd != '' and COALESCE(ah.cancel_ymd,'') = '' --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD STT --and COALESCE(h9.koumoku3,'') = '' and (('' = ':anken_kbn') or (ah.anken_kbn = ':anken_kbn')) --2018.12.07 #6609 MOD END group by op.op_cd , h1.han_name order by op_cd [deleteWork] delete from w_basr3040 where s_id = :s_id [insertWork] insert into w_basr3040 ( s_id , tan_cd , anken_su , yplan_kouki , yotei_kouki , jisek_kouki , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) values ( :s_id , ':daiku_tan_cd' , :anken_su , :yplan_kouki , :yotei_kouki , :jisek_kouki , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time ) [getTanRanking] select w.tan_cd , mt.tan_nm , w.anken_su , w.yplan_kouki , w.yotei_kouki , w.jisek_kouki from w_basr3040 w left join m_tanto mt on (mt.tan_cd = w.tan_cd) where s_id = :s_id --and w.jisek_kouki > 0 order by jisek_kouki, anken_su desc, tan_cd limit 20