[loadOriginal] select fnc_load_basv0210(:s_id, :den_no, :mitsumori_mode) [updateOriginal] select fnc_update_basv0210(:s_id, :mitsumori_mode) [deleteOriginal] delete from w_basv0210 where s_id = :s_id; delete from w_basv0210_m where s_id = :s_id; [deleteHeader] delete from w_basv0210 where s_id = :s_id; update w_basv0210_genka_g set hacyu_irai_su = null,hacyu_irai_ymd = null, hacyu_no = null, hacyu_row_no = null where s_id = :s_id ; update w_basv0210_genka_z set hacyu_irai_su = null,hacyu_irai_ymd = null, hacyu_no = null, hacyu_row_no = null where s_id = :s_id ; update w_basv0210_m set uri_su = null, jucyu_zan = jucyu_su where s_id = :s_id ; [doDelete] select fnc_delete_basv0210(:den_no, ':login_id') [getOtherId] select other_id as w_other_id from m_hin where hin_cd = ':w_hin_cd' [getMaxDenNo] select (select max(den_no) from m_saiban where saiban_kbn = (case when(:mitsumori_mode = 1)then(11)else(2)end)) as last_uri_no , (select max(den_no) from m_saiban where saiban_kbn = 1) as last_jucyu_no , (select max(den_no) from m_saiban where saiban_kbn = 14) as last_jucyu_no_ext [getNonyu] select nonyu_no as w_nonyu_no from m_nonyu where tok_cd = ':tok_cd' order by nonyu_no limit 1 [loadNewKey] select den_no as w_new_den_no , uri_no as w_new_uri_no from w_basv0210 where s_id = :s_id [loadSir] insert into w_basv0210_m ( s_id , row_no , hin_cd , hin_nm , suryo , tanka , kingaku , zaiko_flg , now_stock , now_ztanka , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) select :s_id , sm.row_no , sm.hin_cd , mh.hin_rnm , sm.suryo --, mh.tanka --, sm.suryo * mh.tanka --kingaku , 0 --tanka , 0 --kingaku , 1 --zaiko_flg , mh.now_stock , mh.now_ztanka , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time from t_sir_m sm inner join v_m_hin mh on (mh.hin_cd = sm.hin_cd) where sm.den_no = :sir_no order by sm.row_no [deleteRecord] delete from w_basv0210_m where s_id = :s_id [insertRecord] insert into w_basv0210_m ( s_id , row_no , hin_cd , suryo , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) values ( :s_id , :w_row_no , ':w_hin_cd' , :w_suryo , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time ); update w_basv0210_m w set hin_nm = m1.hin_nm from m_hin m1 where w.s_id = :s_id and w.row_no = :w_row_no and m1.hin_cd = w.hin_cd ; update w_basv0210_m w set now_ztanka = st.now_ztanka , now_stock = st.now_stock from m_stock st where w.s_id = :s_id and w.row_no = :w_row_no and st.hin_cd = w.hin_cd ; [getRebateTanka] select fnc_get_uri_rebate_per(':tok_cd',':cat_cd') as rebate_per [getDiscTanka] select fnc_get_uri_disc_per(':tok_cd',':cat_cd') as disc_per [__getDiscTanka] select coalesce(max(disc_per), 0) as disc_per from m_tok_disc where tok_cd = ':tok_cd' and cat_cd = ':cat_cd' [getGenkaM] select sum(w1.kousu) as w_kousu from w_basv0210_genka_m w1 where w1.s_id = :s_id and w1.link_no = :link_no ; [getTanka] select tanka as sel_tanka, hin_nm as sel_hin_nm from t_uri_m where den_no = :tanka_den and row_no = :tanka_row ; [getLoc] select sir.loc_no from t_uri uri left join t_sir_m sirm on (uri.den_no = sirm.jucyu_no and sirm.row_no = 0) left join t_sir sir on (sirm.den_no = sir.den_no) where uri.den_no = :den_no and uri.jucyu_flg = 1 union all select sir.loc_no from t_uri uri left join t_sir_m sirm on (uri.jucyu_no = sirm.jucyu_no and sirm.row_no = 0) left join t_sir sir on (sirm.den_no = sir.den_no) where uri.den_no = :den_no and uri.jucyu_flg = 0 ; [loadMitsumori] select (case when(biko1 != '')then(biko1||chr(13)||chr(10))else('')end) ||COALESCE(biko2,'') as biko1 , (case when(biko3 != '')then(biko3||chr(13)||chr(10))else('')end) ||(case when(biko4 != '')then(biko4||chr(13)||chr(10))else('')end) ||(case when(biko5 != '')then(biko5||chr(13)||chr(10))else('')end) ||COALESCE(biko6,'') as biko2 from t_uri where den_no = :den_no [getTankaHaiso] select fnc_get_haiso_uri_tanka(':w_tok_cd', ':w_chimei1_cd', ':w_chimei2_cd', ':w_hin_cd') as w_tanka [getUrikakeZan] select m.tok_cd,(coalesce(v.seikyu_zan, 0) - coalesce(v.nyukin_gaku, 0)) + (coalesce(v.zeikomi_gaku, 0) - coalesce(t.zeikomi_gaku, 0)) as seikyu_zan , coalesce(m.yoshin_gaku, 0) as yoshin_gaku from m_tokui m left join v_urikake_zan v on m.tok_cd = v.tok_cd left join w_basv0210 w on m.tok_cd = w.tok_cd and w.s_id = :s_id left join t_uri t on t.tok_cd = m.tok_cd and w.den_no = t.den_no where 1 = 1 and m.tok_cd = ':tok_cd' ; [updatePrint] update t_uri set print_time = now() where den_no = :w_den_no [loadPrintState] select (case when(print_time is not null)then(to_char(print_time,'yyyy/mm/dd'))else(null)end) as w_print_ymd from t_uri where den_no = :w_den_no [loadExclusiveTime] select to_char(upd_time,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as w_exclusive_time from w_basv0210 where s_id = :s_id [getExclusiveNowTime] select to_char(upd_time,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as w_exclusive_time from t_uri where den_no = :den_no [checkFinishedKeshiJucyu] select den_no from t_uri where den_no = :jucyu_no and del_flg = 0 and jucyu_flg = 1 and keshi_flg = 1 [checkGenTanka] select 1 from w_basv0210_genka where s_id = :s_id and link_no = :g_row and tanka != :g_tanka [checkGenSuryo] select 1 from w_basv0210_genka where s_id = :s_id and link_no = :g_row and suryo != :g_suryo ; [getPrc_sts] select 1 from m_hanyo h01 where (h01.mst_kbn = '01' and h01.han_cd = ':prc_sts' and coalesce(h01.koumoku3, '') = '') ; [getTokSeiYmd] select seikyu_ymd from m_tokui where tok_cd = ':tok_cd'; [getNowTanka] select tanka as nowtanka from w_basv0210_genka where s_id = :s_id and link_no = :link_no order by s_id desc limit 1 ; [getZeiRate] select fnc_get_zei_rate(':syori_ymd') * 100 as zei_rate [searchTani] select han_cd, han_name, sort_key from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '44' and del_flg = 0 order by sort_key, han_cd [searchDDHin] select w.dhin_cd as han_cd, w.dhin_cd as han_name, w.dhin_cd as sort_key from ( select distinct dhin_cd from m_hin where cat_cd = '00' and del_flg = 0 ) w [searchDHin] select hin_cd as han_cd, size_cd as han_name, size_cd as sort_key from m_hin where cat_cd = '00' and dhin_cd = ':ddhin_cd' and del_flg = 0 [searchHinPart] select hin_cd as han_cd, to_char(size_h,'FM990.0') as han_name, to_char(size_h,'FM000.0') as sort_key from m_hin where dhin_cd = ':dhin_cd' and del_flg = 0 [searchHosoku2] select h26.han_name as han_cd, h21a.han_name||' / '||h21b.han_name as han_name, h26.sort_key from m_hanyo h26 inner join m_hanyo h21a on (h21a.mst_kbn = '21' and h21a.han_cd = h26.koumoku1) --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD STT --inner join m_hanyo h21b on (h21b.mst_kbn = '21' and h21b.han_cd = h26.koumoku2) left join m_hanyo h21b on (h21b.mst_kbn = '21' and h21b.han_cd = h26.koumoku2) --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD END where h26.mst_kbn = '26' --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD STT --and h26.han_name in (select hin_class from m_hin_class where hin_cd = ':hin_cd') and h26.han_name in (select hin_class from m_hin_class where hin_cd = ':hin_cd' and :mng_flg_field_id = 1) --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD END order by sort_key, han_cd [searchHosoku34] --select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, hin_cd as sort_key, dhin_cd as limit_cd select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, sort_key as sort_key, dhin_cd as limit_cd from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku34_cat' --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD STT --and ((':hosoku34_cat' = '11') or (dhin_cd != hin_cd)) and ((':hosoku34_cat' != '12') or (dhin_cd != hin_cd)) --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD END order by sort_key, hin_cd [searchHosoku56] --select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, hin_cd as sort_key, dhin_cd as limit_cd select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, sort_key as sort_key, dhin_cd as limit_cd from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku56_cat' --and ((':hosoku34_cat' = '11') or (dhin_cd != hin_cd)) order by sort_key, hin_cd [searchHosoku1] select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, sort_key as sort_key, dhin_cd as limit_cd from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku1_cat' order by sort_key, hin_cd [getDHin] select size_cd as hin_part2 from m_hin where hin_cd = ':dhin_cd' [getHinPart] select to_char(size_h,'FM990.0') as hin_part3 from m_hin where hin_cd = ':hin_cd' [getMeisaiHosoku1] --select hin_rnm as hosoku1 select hin_nm as hosoku1 from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku1_cat' and hin_cd = ':hosoku1_id' [getMeisaiHosoku2] select h26.han_name as hosoku2 , h21a.koumoku1 as hosoku3_cat , h21b.koumoku1 as hosoku4_cat , h21a.koumoku2 as hosoku5_cat , h21b.koumoku2 as hosoku6_cat , case h21a.koumoku1 when '' then h21a.han_name else '' end as hosoku3_nm , case h21b.koumoku1 when '' then h21b.han_name else '' end as hosoku4_nm , h26.koumoku5 as hosoku1_cat from m_hanyo h26 inner join m_hanyo h21a on (h21a.mst_kbn = '21' and h21a.han_cd = h26.koumoku1) --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD STT --inner join m_hanyo h21b on (h21b.mst_kbn = '21' and h21b.han_cd = h26.koumoku2) left join m_hanyo h21b on (h21b.mst_kbn = '21' and h21b.han_cd = h26.koumoku2) --#10454 2021.06.17 MOD END where h26.mst_kbn = '26' and h26.han_name = ':hosoku2_id' [getMeisaiHosoku34] select hin_rnm as hosoku34 from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku34_cat' and hin_cd = ':hosoku34_id' [getMeisaiHosoku56] select hin_rnm as hosoku56 from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku56_cat' and hin_cd = ':hosoku56_id' [getUpdatedGenkaInfo] select w.hin_cd, w.hin_nm, w.koyu_nm , w.sunpo_kbn, w.size_l, w.size_w, w.size_h , w.suryo , w.tanka , h52.han_name as sunpo_kbn_nm , w.hosoku1 , w.hosoku2 , w.hosoku3 , w.hosoku4 from w_basv0210_genka w left join m_hanyo h52 on (h52.mst_kbn = '52' and h52.han_cd = w.sunpo_kbn) where w.s_id = :s_id and w.link_no = :link_no [doc_sort] select fnc_update_file_image_sort(:s_id); [deleteDocRow] delete from w_den_atch where s_id = :s_id and row_no = :d_row_no; [getDocs] select file_image from w_den_atch where s_id = :s_id and row_no = :_row_no ; [searchHosoku34Limit] --#14057 2021.05.07 MOD STT --select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, hin_cd as sort_key select hin_cd as han_cd, hin_nm as han_name, sort_key --#14057 2021.05.07 MOD END from m_hin where hin_cd in ( select distinct dhin_cd from m_hin where cat_cd = ':hosoku34_cat' ) order by m_hin.sort_key, hin_cd [get_mitsumori] select den_no,mitsumori_no ,substring(upper(mitsumori_no),1,length(mitsumori_no) - 2) from t_uri where substring(upper(mitsumori_no),1,length(mitsumori_no) - 2) = upper(':mitsumori_no') --where mitsumori_no = upper(':mitsumori_no') and del_flg = 0 and mitsumori_no != '' and mitsumori_flg = 1 ; [next_eda_no] --SELECT COUNT(1) as next_no SELECT 1 AS next_no FROM t_uri WHERE substring(upper(mitsumori_no),1,length(mitsumori_no) - 2) = upper(':_kanri_no') AND mitsumori_flg = 1 and mitsumori_no != '' [update_prc_sts] UPDATE t_uri SET prc_sts = ':p_sts' WHERE den_no = :p_den_no ; [initSpec] select fnc_init_basv0210_spec(:s_id, ':login_id') [__initSpec] delete from w_basv0210_spec where s_id = :s_id; insert into w_basv0210_spec ( s_id , spec_row_no , spec_cd , spec_naiyo , select_flg , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) select :s_id , (select count(*) from m_hanyo h2 where h2.mst_kbn = 'A5' and COALESCE(h2.sort_key,'')||h2.han_cd < COALESCE(h1.sort_key,'')||h1.han_cd) --spec_row_no , h1.han_cd --spec_cd , h1.han_name --spec_naiyo , (case when(h1.koumoku6 = '1')then(1)else(0)end) --select_flg , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time from m_hanyo h1 where h1.mst_kbn = 'A5' order by sort_key, han_cd [getHinSize] select size_l, size_w, size_h from m_hin where hin_cd = ':w_hin_cd' [selectSpot] select han_cd, han_name, koumoku3, sort_key from m_hanyo where mst_kbn = '78' order by sort_key, han_cd [createJucyu] select fnc_insert_jucyu_from_mitsumori(:s_id) as w_new_jucyu_den_no [updateSohinHeader] update w_basv0210_m set tok_cd = ':w_tok_cd', sohin_no = :w_sohin_no where s_id = :s_id [updateSohinYmd] update w_basv0210_m set nonyu_ymd = (case when(':nonyu_ymd' != '')then(':nonyu_ymd')else(nonyu_ymd)end) , syotei_ymd = (case when(':syotei_ymd' != '')then(':syotei_ymd')else(syotei_ymd)end) , uri_yotei_ymd = (case when(':uri_yotei_ymd' != '')then(':uri_yotei_ymd')else(uri_yotei_ymd)end) where s_id = :s_id [getDetailYmd] select sum(case when(':nonyu_ymd' != COALESCE(nonyu_ymd,''))then(1)else(0)end) as nonyu_ymd_cnt , sum(case when(':syotei_ymd' != COALESCE(syotei_ymd,''))then(1)else(0)end) as syotei_ymd_cnt , sum(case when(':uri_yotei_ymd' != COALESCE(uri_yotei_ymd,''))then(1)else(0)end) as uri_yotei_ymd_cnt from w_basv0210_m where s_id = :s_id [getSohinFields] select sum(case when(':nonyu_hoho' != COALESCE(nonyu_hoho,''))then(1)else(0)end) as nonyu_hoho_cnt , sum(case when(':skonpo_keijyo' != COALESCE(skonpo_keijyo,''))then(1)else(0)end) as skonpo_keijyo_cnt , sum(case when(':unsobin' != COALESCE(unsobin,''))then(1)else(0)end) as unsobin_cnt , sum(case when(':sohin_pay' != COALESCE(sohin_pay,''))then(1)else(0)end) as sohin_pay_cnt from w_basv0210_sohin where s_id = :s_id [initGenkaSeisanJucyu] insert into w_basv0210_genka ( s_id , link_no , input_ymd , suryo , koutei_base_tanka , zairyo_yobi , price_rate , hin_cd , hin_lv1 , hin_lv2 , hin_lv3 --#19515 2021.06.11 MOD STT , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time --#19515 2021.06.11 MOD END ) select :s_id , :link_no , to_char(now(),'yyyymmdd') --input_ymd , :suryo --suryo , (select cast(max(h90a.koumoku1) as numeric(12,2)) from m_hanyo h90a where h90a.mst_kbn = '90' and h90a.han_cd = 'seizou-tan') --koutei_base_tanka , (select cast(max(h90b.koumoku1) as numeric(5,2)) from m_hanyo h90b where h90b.mst_kbn = '90' and h90b.han_cd = 'zairyo-yob') --zairyo_yobi , (select cast(max(h90c.koumoku1) as numeric(5,2)) from m_hanyo h90c where h90c.mst_kbn = '90' and h90c.han_cd = 'price-rate') --price_rate , gm.hin_cd , substr(gm.hin_cd,1,1) , substr(gm.hin_cd,2,1) , substr(gm.hin_cd,3,1) --#19515 2021.06.11 MOD STT , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time --#19515 2021.06.11 MOD END from (select 1 as dual_i) w left join m_hin mh on (mh.hin_cd = ':hin_cd') left join m_hanyo ha9 on (ha9.mst_kbn = 'A9' and ha9.han_cd = mh.ext_cat2_cd) left join m_hanyo hae on (hae.mst_kbn = 'AE' and hae.han_cd = mh.ext_cat5_cd) left join m_hanyo haf on (haf.mst_kbn = 'AF' and haf.han_cd = mh.ext_cat6_cd) left join m_hin gm on (gm.cat_cd = '999' and gm.ext_cat2_cd = ha9.koumoku3 and gm.ext_cat5_cd = hae.koumoku3 and gm.ext_cat6_cd = haf.koumoku3) where 1 = 1 --and mh.hin_cd = ':hin_cd' and not exists ( select 1 from w_basv0210_genka w where w.s_id = :s_id and w.link_no = :link_no ); update w_basv0210_genka w set koyu_nm = ':koyu_nm' , sunpo_kbn = ':sunpo_kbn' , size_l = :size_l , size_w = :size_w , size_h = :size_h where w.s_id = :s_id and w.link_no = :link_no ; [addFile] insert into w_basv0210_file (s_id, file_kind, row_no, file_name, del_flg, cre_id, cre_time, upd_id, upd_time) values( :s_id , :w_file_kind , (select COALESCE(max(row_no),-1) + 1 from w_basv0210_file where s_id = :s_id) --row , ':w_file_name' , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time ) [getUriFilePath] select fnc_get_uri_filepath(:den_no,':tok_cd',':tok_nm',':syori_ymd') as file_name [loadJucyuIkkatsu] select fnc_init_basv0210_ikkatsu(:s_id, :ikkatsu_s_id, ':login_id') [loadJucyuIkkatsuHead] select t.tok_cd from w_basv0210_ikkatsu w inner join t_uri t on (t.den_no = w.jucyu_no) where w.s_id = :ikkatsu_s_id order by w.jucyu_no, w.jucyu_row_no limit 1 [initKoutei] select fnc_init_basv0210_koutei(:s_id, ':login_id') [getTokuiEigCd] select eig_cd as w_tok_eig_cd from m_tokui where tok_cd = ':w_tok_cd' [getEigTanka] select :tanka_field_id as tanka from m_hin where hin_cd = ':hin_cd' [getEigGenka] select :tanka_field_id as gentanka from m_hin where hin_cd = ':hin_cd' [getSetHin] select ms.chin_cd, ms.set_su from m_hin mh inner join m_sethin ms on (ms.hin_cd = mh.hin_cd) where mh.hin_cd = ':hin_cd' and mh.set_uri_flg = 1 order by row_no [clearCopy] update w_basv0210_m w set jucyu_no = null , jucyu_row_no = null where w.s_id = :s_id ;