[load_grdList] select um.den_no , um.row_no , um.hin_cd , um.hin_nm , COALESCE(um.hacyu_su,0) - COALESCE(um.sir_su,0) as hacyu_zan , um.hacyu_su , hin.tani as tani --(単位)AVの機能 , um.tanka as tanka , um.tanka as tankaF2 --, um.suryo , um.hacyu_su - um.sir_su as haccyu_suryo , um.kingaku , uh.syori_ymd --#15286 2020.08.02 MOD STT --, um.nyuka_yotei_ymd as nonyu_ymd , (case when(':sir_kb_ymd' = '1')then((case when(um.kibo_nyuka_ymd != '')then(um.kibo_nyuka_ymd)else(um.nyuka_yotei_ymd)end))else(um.nyuka_yotei_ymd)end) as nonyu_ymd , (case when(':sir_kb_ymd' = '1')then((case when(um.kibo_nyuka_ymd != '')then(um.nyuka_yotei_ymd)else(null)end))else(um.nyuka_yotei_ymd)end) as ans_nonyu_ymd --#15286 2020.08.02 MOD END , uh.sir_cd , uh.sir_nm , uh.biko1 --#20495 2021.08.30 MOD STT , uh.biko2 --, um.meisai_biko as biko2 --明細行の備考欄 , um.meisai_biko --明細行の備考欄 --#20495 2021.08.30 MOD END , um.hosoku1 --(仕立)AVの機能 , um.jucyu_no , '' as syubetsu , hin.cat_cd , h.koumoku1 , ur.tok_nm , hin.jan_cd , h2.han_name as prc_sts , to_char(uh.print_time,'YYYYMMDD') as print_ymd from t_sir uh inner join t_sir_m um on (um.den_no = uh.den_no) left join m_hin hin on (um.hin_cd = hin.hin_cd) left join m_sir sh on (sh.sir_cd = uh.sir_cd) left join m_hanyo h on (h.mst_kbn = '05' and h.han_cd = hin.cat_cd) left join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '11' and h2.han_cd = uh.prc_sts) left join t_uri ur on (ur.den_no = um.jucyu_no) left join m_tokui tk on (ur.tok_cd = tk.tok_cd) WHERE 1 = 1 and uh.hacyu_flg = 1 and uh.del_flg = 0 and ((uh.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and ((uh.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_fr') or (uh.syori_ymd >= ':syori_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_to') or (uh.syori_ymd <= ':syori_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':nonyu_ymd_fr') or (um.nyuka_yotei_ymd >= ':nonyu_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':nonyu_ymd_to') or (um.nyuka_yotei_ymd <= ':nonyu_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':sir_cd') or (uh.sir_cd = ':sir_cd')) AND ((fnc_translate_case(sh.sir_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':sir_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(sh.sir_kana) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':sir_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(uh.sir_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':sir_nm')||'%') or (':sir_nm' = '')) --#20495 2021.08.30 MOD STT --AND ((fnc_translate_case(uh.biko1) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':biko1')||'%') or (':biko1' = '')) AND ((fnc_translate_case(uh.biko1) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':biko1')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(uh.biko2) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':biko1')||'%') or (':biko1' = '')) --#20495 2021.08.30 MOD END and (('' = ':zan_flg') or (COALESCE(um.hacyu_su,0) - COALESCE(um.sir_su,0) > 0)) and ((um.jucyu_no = fnc_to_number(':jucyu_no')) or ('' = ':jucyu_no')) and (('' = ':hin_cd') or (um.hin_cd = ':hin_cd')) AND ((fnc_translate_case(hin.hin_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':hin_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(um.hin_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':hin_nm')||'%') or (':hin_nm' = '')) --AND ((fnc_translate_case(um.hin_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':hin_nm')||'%') or (':hin_nm' = '')) --and ((um.hin_nm like '%:hin_nm%') or ('' = ':hin_nm')) and (('' = ':tok_tan') or (uh.tan_cd = ':tok_tan')) and ((h.han_cd is not null and h.koumoku1 = ':dcat_cd') or (':dcat_cd' = '')) and (('' = ':cat_cd') or (hin.cat_cd = ':cat_cd')) and (('' = ':tok_cd') or (ur.tok_cd = ':tok_cd')) and (('' = ':prc_sts') or (uh.prc_sts = ':prc_sts')) AND ((fnc_translate_case(tk.tok_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':tok_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(tk.tok_kana) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':tok_nm')||'%') or (fnc_translate_case(ur.tok_nm) LIKE '%'||fnc_translate_case(':tok_nm')||'%') or (':tok_nm' = '')) and (('' = ':eig_cd') or (uh.eig_cd = ':eig_cd')) and (('' = ':scat_limit') or (h.koumoku8 = ':scat_limit')) order by um.nyuka_yotei_ymd, uh.syori_ymd, um.den_no, um.row_no [deleteImportWork] delete from w_basv0220 where s_id = :s_id; delete from w_basv0220_m where s_id = :s_id; [commitWork] select fnc_update_basv0220(:s_id); [insertHeaderWork_type2] insert into w_basv0220 ( s_id , henpin_flg , seikyu_flg --, syukka_flg , zaiko_flg , hacyu_flg --, cash_flg , eig_cd , sir_cd , sir_nm , sir_tan , syori_ymd , input_ymd , nyuka_yotei_ymd , tan_cd --, biko1 --, biko2 , zeinuki_gaku , zei_hasu_kbn , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) select :s_id , 0 --henpin_flg , 0 --seikyu_flg --, 0 --syukka_flg , 0 --zaiko_flg , 1 --hacyu_flg --, 0 --cash_flg , ':eig_cd' --eig_cd , mt.sir_cd , mt.sir_nm , mt.sir_tan , ':syori_ymd' , ':syori_ymd' --input_ymd , ':nyuka_yotei_ymd' , ':login_id' --tan_cd --, ':biko1' --, ':biko2' , :zeinuki_gaku , '2' , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time from m_sir mt where mt.sir_cd = ':sir_cd' ; [insertDetailWork_type2] insert into w_basv0220_m ( s_id , row_no , hin_cd , hin_nm , hacyu_su , tanka , kingaku , zeinuki_gaku --, hacyu_zeinuki_gaku , nyuka_yotei_ymd , zaiko_flg , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) select :s_id , :row_no , ':hin_cd' , ':hin_nm' , :hacyu_su , :tanka , :kingaku --kingaku , :kingaku --zeinuki_gaku --, :kingaku --hacyu_zeinuki_gaku , ':nyuka_yotei_ymd' , 1 --zaiko_flg , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time ; [Upd_hacyu] update t_sir_m set suryo = :suryo where den_no = :den_no and row_no = :row_no ; [Del_hacyu] update t_sir_m set del_flg = 1 ,upd_id = ':login_id' ,upd_time = now() where den_no = :den_no ; update t_sir set del_flg = 1 ,upd_id = ':login_id' ,upd_time = now() where den_no = :den_no and hacyu_flg = 1 ; [Load_basv0220] select fnc_load_basv0220(:s_id, :den_no); [Upd_basv0220] select fnc_update_basv0220(:s_id, :den_no); [getNewDenNo] select den_no as new_den from w_basv0220 where s_id = :s_id ; --select coalesce(max(den_no)) as new_den --from t_sir --where hacyu_flg = '1' [getKingaku] select sum(kingaku) as goukei from w_basv0220_m where s_id = :s_id; [updKingaku] update t_sir t set zeinuki_gaku = w.zeinuki_gaku from w_basv0220 w where w.s_id = :s_id and t.den_no = :hacyu_no [updWorkKazei] update t_sir t set kazei_gaku = (select sum(kingaku) as goukei from w_basv0220_m where s_id = :s_id) where t.den_no = :hacyu_no ; [updWorkZei] update t_sir t set zeinuki_gaku = kazei_gaku , soto_gaku = fnc_get_zei(kazei_gaku, t.syori_ymd) , uchi_gaku = 0 where t.den_no = :hacyu_no ; [updWorkZeikomi] update t_sir t set zei_gaku = COALESCE(soto_gaku,0) + COALESCE(uchi_gaku,0) , zeikomi_gaku = COALESCE(zeinuki_gaku,0) + COALESCE(soto_gaku,0) + COALESCE(uchi_gaku,0) where t.den_no = :hacyu_no ; [get_tok_hacyu] select tok_hacyu_no from t_sir where 1=1 and tok_hacyu_no = ':tok_hacyu_no' and tok_cd = ':tok_cd' and del_flg = 0 ; [gethinCd] select hin_cd from m_hin where 1=1 and hin_cd = ':hin_cd' ; [cancelJucyuzan] update t_sir_m set hacyu_cancel_su = (hacyu_su - COALESCE(uri_su,0)) , upd_id = ':login_id' , upd_time = now() where den_no = :w_den_no and ((:w_row_no < 0) or (row_no = :w_row_no)) and (hacyu_su - COALESCE(uri_su,0)) != 0 [get_shiji_no] select shiji_no from t_seizou where 1=1 and hacyu_no = ':den_no' and del_flg = '0' and shiji_flg = '1' ; [updatePrint] update t_sir set print_time = now(), upd_id = ':login_id', upd_time = now() where den_no = :w_den_no [clearPrint] update t_sir set print_time = null, upd_id = ':login_id', upd_time = now() where den_no = :w_den_no