[load_grdList] SELECT sh.den_no , sh.syori_ymd , sh.tan_cd , tan.bu_cd , h55.han_name as bu_nm , sh.sir_cd , sh.sir_nm , sh.sir_tan , sir.cat_cd as s_cat_cd , h45.han_name as s_cat_nm , sh.zeinuki_gaku as h_zeinuki_gaku , sh.zei_gaku , sh.zeikomi_gaku , sh.kazei_gaku as h_kazei_gaku , sh.soto_gaku , sh.uchi_gaku as h_uchi_gaku , coalesce(sh.hacyu_no::text,'') as hacyu_no , sm.row_no , sm.hin_cd , sm.hin_nm , sm.size_l , sm.size_w , sm.size_h , sm.color_nm , h05.koumoku1 as dcat_cd , h14.han_name as dcat_nm --, hin.cat_cd , h05.han_name as cat_nm , hin.brand_cd , h06.han_name as brand_nm , sm.suryo , sm.tanka , sm.kingaku , sm.kazei_gaku , sm.zeinuki_gaku , sm.uchi_gaku , uri.tok_nm as simuketi --#15878 2020.09.21 MOD STT --, sm.jucyu_no , COALESCE(hm.jucyu_no,ts.jucyu_no) as jucyu_no --#15878 2020.09.21 MOD END , sir.tori_cond , h18.han_name as zei_kbn , h05.han_name as cat_cd , sm.meisai_biko as m_biko , sm.zaiko_flg , sh.kanri_no --TODO , (case when(sm.iri_su != 0 and COALESCE(h99a.han_name,'') != '1')then(sm.iri_tani)else(sm.tani)end) as tani , (case when(sm.iri_su != 0 and COALESCE(h99a.han_name,'') != '1')then(sm.tani)else(null)end) as bara_tani , (case when(sm.iri_su != 0 and COALESCE(h99a.han_name,'') != '1')then(sm.suryo * sm.iri_su)else(null)end) as bara_sir_su , sm.iri_tani , (case when(sm.iri_su != 0)then(sm.suryo / sm.iri_su)else(null)end) as iri_sir_su , sh.biko1 , sh.biko2 FROM t_sir sh left join t_sir_m sm on (sh.den_no = sm.den_no) left join m_sir sir on (sh.sir_cd = sir.sir_cd) left join m_hin hin on (hin.hin_cd = sm.hin_cd) left join m_tanto tan on (tan.tan_cd = sh.tan_cd) --#15878 2020.09.21 MOD STT --left join t_uri uri on (sm.jucyu_no = uri.jucyu_no) left join t_sir_m hm on (hm.den_no = sm.hacyu_no and hm.row_no = sm.hacyu_row_no) left join t_shiyou_zairyo sz on (sz.hacyu_no = sm.hacyu_no and sz.hacyu_row_no = sm.hacyu_row_no) left join t_seizou ts on (ts.shiji_no = sz.shiji_no) left join t_uri uri on (uri.den_no = COALESCE(hm.jucyu_no,ts.jucyu_no)) --#15878 2020.09.21 MOD END left join m_hanyo h55 on (h55.mst_kbn = '55' and h55.han_cd = tan.bu_cd) left join m_hanyo h45 on (h45.mst_kbn = '45' and h45.han_cd = sir.cat_cd) left join m_hanyo h18 on (h18.mst_kbn = '18' and h18.han_cd = sm.zei_kbn::text) left join m_hanyo h05 on (h05.mst_kbn = '05' and h05.han_cd = hin.cat_cd) left join m_hanyo h14 on (h14.mst_kbn = '14' and h14.han_cd = h05.han_cd) left join m_hanyo h06 on (h06.mst_kbn = '06' and h06.han_cd = hin.brand_cd) left join m_hanyo h99a on (h99a.mst_kbn = '99' and h99a.han_cd = 'st-no-iris') WHERE 1 = 1 and sh.del_flg = 0 and sh.syori_ymd != '' and sh.hacyu_flg = 0 and ((sh.den_no = fnc_to_number(':den_no')) or ('' = ':den_no')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_fr') or (sh.syori_ymd >= ':syori_ymd_fr')) and (('' = ':syori_ymd_to') or (sh.syori_ymd <= ':syori_ymd_to')) and (('' = ':prc_sts') or (sh.prc_sts = ':prc_sts')) and (('' = ':sir_cd') or (sh.sir_cd = ':sir_cd')) and ((sir.sir_nm like '%:sir_nm%') or ('' = ':sir_nm')) --#20600 2021.09.05 MOD STT --and ((sh.biko1 like '%:biko1%' or sh.biko2 like '%:biko1%') or ('' = ':biko1')) and ((sh.biko1 like '%:biko1%' or sh.biko2 like '%:biko1%' or sm.meisai_biko like '%:biko1%') or ('' = ':biko1')) --#20600 2021.09.05 MOD END and (('' = ':tori_kbn') or (sir.sir_cd is not null and sir.tori_kbn = ':tori_kbn')) --#15878 2020.09.21 MOD STT --and ((sm.jucyu_no = fnc_to_number(':jucyu_no')) or ('' = ':jucyu_no')) and ((uri.den_no = fnc_to_number(':jucyu_no')) or ('' = ':jucyu_no')) --#15878 2020.09.21 MOD END and ((sh.hacyu_no = fnc_to_number(':hacyu_no')) or ('' = ':hacyu_no')) and ((sm.hacyu_row_no = fnc_to_number(':hacyu_row_no')) or ('' = ':hacyu_row_no')) and (('' = ':hin_cd') or (sm.hin_cd = ':hin_cd')) and ((sm.hin_nm like '%:hin_nm%') or ('' = ':hin_nm')) and (('' = ':eig_cd') or (sh.eig_cd = ':eig_cd')) and ((h05.koumoku1 = ':dcat_cd') or ('' = ':dcat_cd')) and (('' = ':kanri_no') or (sh.kanri_no = ':kanri_no')) --TODO --and (('0' = ':sir-nyuko') or ('1' != ':cond_syori') or (COALESCE(um.syuko_flg,0) = 0)) --and (('0' = ':sir-nyuko') or ('2' != ':cond_syori') or (COALESCE(um.zaiko_flg,0) = 1)) and (('' = ':scat_limit') or (h05.koumoku9 = ':scat_limit')) order by sh.syori_ymd desc, sh.den_no desc --TODO limit 10000 [updateZaikoFlg] select fnc_update_sir_dtl_zaiko(:s_id, :w_den_no, :w_row_no, 0, ':login_id') [cancelZaikoFlg] select fnc_update_sir_dtl_zaiko(:s_id, :w_den_no, :w_row_no, 1, ':login_id')