[getWorkKey] select COALESCE(max(syori_seq),0) + 1 as syori_seq from t_nyukin_ikkatsu t where t.furikikan = ':furikikan' and t.syori_ymd = ':syori_ymd' [commitWork] select fnc_update_basv0730_import(':furikikan', ':syori_ymd', :syori_seq, ':login_id'); [doKakutei] select fnc_update_basv0730_kakutei(':furikikan', ':syori_ymd', ':login_id'); [saveLine] update t_nyukin_ikkatsu t set :w_field_id = ':w_field_value' , upd_id = ':login_id' , upd_time = now() where t.furikikan = ':furikikan' and t.syori_ymd = ':syori_ymd' and t.syori_seq = :syori_seq and t.row_no = :row_no [insertWork] insert into t_nyukin_ikkatsu ( furikikan , syori_ymd , syori_seq , row_no , nyukin_no , tok_cd , tok_nm , nyukin_ymd , nyukin_gaku , tesuryo , cyosei_gaku , total_gaku , biko , del_flg , cre_id , cre_time , upd_id , upd_time ) values ( ':furikikan' , ':syori_ymd' , :syori_seq --syori_seq , :row_no , null --nyukin_no , null --tok_cd , ':tok_nm' , ':nyukin_ymd' , :nyukin_gaku , null --tesuryo , null --cyosei_gaku , :nyukin_gaku --total_gaku , ':tok_nm' --biko , 0 --del_flg , ':login_id' --cre_id , now() --cre_time , ':login_id' --upd_id , now() --upd_time ) [load_grdList] select t.syori_seq , t.row_no , t.nyukin_no , t.tok_cd , t.tok_nm , t.nyukin_ymd , t.nyukin_gaku , t.tesuryo , t.cyosei_gaku , t.total_gaku , t.biko , 1 as rec_flg from t_nyukin_ikkatsu t where t.furikikan = ':furikikan' and t.syori_ymd = ':syori_ymd' order by t.syori_seq desc, t.row_no [load_grdList_] select m.hin_cd , m.hin_nm , m.hin_rnm , m.tanka , m.stanka , st.loc_no , st.now_stock , st.now_ztanka , round(st.now_stock * st.now_ztanka, 2) as goukei_kingaku , h1.han_name as hin_sts_nm , h2.han_name as cat_nm , h3.han_name as loc_nm from m_hin m left join ( select st.hin_cd , st.now_ztanka , st.loc_no , st.now_stock from v_stock_loc st where ':zaiko-ss' = '0' union all select sm.hin_cd , sm.tanka as now_ztanka , COALESCE(sm.loc_no,'') as loc_no , sum(COALESCE(sm.suryo * (case when(mh.iri_su > 1)then(mh.iri_su)else(1)end),0) - COALESCE(sm.syuko_su,0)) as now_stock from t_sir sh inner join t_sir_m sm on (sm.den_no = sh.den_no) left join m_hin mh on (mh.hin_cd = sm.hin_cd) where sh.hacyu_flg = 0 and (COALESCE(sm.suryo * (case when(mh.iri_su > 1)then(mh.iri_su)else(1)end),0) - COALESCE(sm.syuko_su,0)) > 0 and ':zaiko-ss' = '1' group by sm.hin_cd , sm.tanka , COALESCE(sm.loc_no,'') ) st on (st.hin_cd = m.hin_cd) left join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '04' and h1.han_cd = m.hin_sts) left join m_hanyo h2 on (h2.mst_kbn = '05' and h2.han_cd = m.cat_cd) --left join m_hanyo h3 on (h3.mst_kbn = '17' and h3.han_cd = st.loc_no) left join v_hanyo_all h3 on (h3.mst_kbn = 'loc' and h3.han_cd = st.loc_no) WHERE 1 = 1 AND ((m.jan_cd LIKE '%:jan_cd') or (':jan_cd' = '')) AND ((m.hin_cd LIKE '%:hin_cd') or (':hin_cd' = '')) AND ((m.hin_nm LIKE '%:hin_nm%') or (':hin_nm' = '')) AND ((m.brand_cd = ':brand_cd') or (':brand_cd' = '')) AND ((h2.han_cd is not null and h2.koumoku1 = ':dcat_cd') or (':dcat_cd' = '')) AND ((m.cat_cd = ':cat_cd') or (':cat_cd' = '')) AND ((m.price_kbn = ':price_kbn') or (':price_kbn' = '')) AND ((m.hin_sts = ':hin_sts') or (':hin_sts' = '')) AND ((st.loc_no is not null and st.loc_no = ':loc_no') or (':loc_no' = '')) AND ((':st_cond' != '1') or (st.now_stock != 0)) and m.del_flg = 0 order by brand_cd, hin_cd