[load_grdList] select -- w2.tan_kind -- ,w2.tan_cd -- ,w2.tan_nm h1.koumoku1 as tan_kind ,mt.tan_cd ,mt.tan_nm ,(case when(w2.end_time is not null)then(to_char(w2.end_time,'yyyymmdd'))else(null)end) as prev_end_ymd ,w.anken_cd ,w.anken_nm ,to_char(w.stt_time,'yyyymmdd') as start_ymd ,to_char(w.end_time,'yyyymmdd') as end_ymd --2018.12.18 MOD STT -- ,w.over_cnt ,COALESCE(w.over_cnt,0) as over_cnt --2018.12.18 MOD END from m_tanto mt inner join m_hanyo h1 on (h1.mst_kbn = '55' and h1.han_cd = mt.bu_cd) left join ( select v.tan_kind , v.tan_cd as tan_cd , v.tan_nm as tan_nm , max((case when(to_char(v.end_time,'yyyymmdd') < ':base_ymd')then(v.end_time)else(null)end)) as end_time from v_tan_anken_kikan v where 1 = 1 group by v.tan_kind, v.tan_cd, v.tan_nm ) w2 on (w2.tan_kind = h1.koumoku1 and w2.tan_cd = mt.tan_cd) left join ( select v.tan_kind , v.tan_cd as tan_cd , v.anken_cd as anken_cd , v.anken_nm as anken_nm , v.stt_time as stt_time , v.end_time as end_time , (select count(*) from v_tan_anken_kikan v2 where v2.tan_cd = v.tan_cd and v2.anken_cd != v.anken_cd and v.stt_time between v2.stt_time and v2.end_time) as over_cnt from v_tan_anken_kikan v where 1 = 1 and to_char(v.end_time,'yyyymmdd') >= ':base_ymd' ) w on (w.tan_kind = w2.tan_kind and w.tan_cd = w2.tan_cd) where 1 = 1 and mt.del_flg = 0 and h1.koumoku1 != '' and (('' = ':tan_cd') or (mt.tan_cd = ':tan_cd')) and ((w.anken_cd = ':anken_cd') or ('' = ':anken_cd')) order by tan_cd, start_ymd, anken_cd